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Embracing the New Chapter: Navigating Life as a 30-year-old Millennial

Hello, my millennial friends!

I know most of us has dreaded the day of officially turning 30, but if I am being honest, being here on earth and celebrating your 30th birthday is a blessing. Don't beat yourself down, instead embrace your age with gratitude and a warm heart. I recently turned 30 in August, and I was unsure how to feel about it myself-- I am nowhere near where I thought I would be; however, I am not giving up because I still have time to get it together.

Below I will be explaining who is considered a millennial, 6 reasons why we are scared to turn 30, and the real truths about turning 30.

a group of millennials

Who Is Considered a Millennial?

Millennial, also known as, Generation Y (Gen Y) are individuals born between the years 1981-1996, but different sources could vary by a year or two. In 2019, millennials surpassed the baby boomers (those born between 1946-1964) as becoming the largest generation of adults in the United States, according to Britanica.

Asian model embracing herself

As a millennial, we have witnessed firsthand the rise of technology. As young millennials, we didn't have access to cell phones, social media, and computers; but as the world began to evolve, we were the first to access it all. If someone told us that technology would advance to where it is today, we probably would have thought they were crazy.

We've witnessed and experienced devastating events, including: The great recession, 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and most recent- the pandemic. With that being said, if you are here today to read this post-- you made it and that gives you even more reason to embrace your beautiful milestone of reaching 30. You are made of steel!

What Scare Us About Turning 30?

A young woman upset with hands over face

As teenagers, we thought we would have our lives figured out such as: Being married by 30, being settled into our careers, having a family, owning a home, being financial stable, etc. When in reality, most of us are struggling, not happy with our jobs, single parents or not parents, and more confused about life than ever before. That is scary.

We have been conditioned to think if we don't have it all together by 30, we are failures and behind on life. Which causes anxiety, depression, doubt, humiliation, and stress in a great number of people.

It is completely normal to be scared to turn 30, a lot of people have experienced fear as that chapter of their lives began to open. It is fear of the unknown, fear of aging, fear of not having it all together, fear of death-- some believe that turning 30 means getting closer to death.

6 Truths About Turning 30

The truths about turning 30 are:

turning 30 quote

  1. Back Pain/Joint Pain/Knee Pain

  2. Gray Hairs - I recently saw my first strand of gray hair at the top of my head a few days ago and I was like WOW! so, things are just moving quickly huh? No easing me into it or nothing.

  3. A night out, actually means Goodnight.

  4. Metabolism slows down, meaning, times where you could never gain weight after eating a buffet is now over--everything will become stubborn fat.

  5. Naps are actually AMAZING.

  6. Hangovers are now your worst enemy-- No more getting wasted and waking up with a boost of energy, instead you will feel like you were hit by a semitruck.

Even though we feel like we haven't accomplished much in our 30 years of living, we still have time to get it together. Be gentle and kinder to yourself. There is no deadline on your accomplishments, as long as you have breath in your body and the mind frame to pursue them then you have nothing to worry about.

And remember these important tips:

  • Love like you will never get hurt.

  • Keep learning something new.

  • Meet new people.

  • It's ok to start over.

  • Happiness is a choice.

  • Therapy is essential and important.

  • Health is wealth.

  • Practice Self-care.

  • Forgive but don't forget.

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” – Maya Angelou


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